Kohnstamm Communications
Under the direction of Kohnstamm, 41 moms drove a 10-month/11- city Beech-Nut Advocacy program combining experiential brand activations, product education, large- and small- scale event sampling and social engagement. The resulting 126,000+ 1:1 engagements with parents and 167,000+ distributed samples exceeded all program metrics. From a sales perspective, product sales in Ambassador markets were 9% higher than in non-Ambassador markets and Ambassador coupon redemption tracked over 8 points higher than industry average. Reputationally, brand equity increased favorably in Ambassador markets, with 78% of moms and dads who were unaware of Beech-Nut stating they were “very likely” or “likely” to purchase after their engagement with a Beech-Nut Ambassador.
400 N Robert St. Suite 1450
St. Paul , Minnesota
Awards won
Best Use of Influencers 2019
Beech-Nut Moms: Real Food, Real Experiences