Judging Criteria

The Bulldog PR Awards judges are looking for detailed information describing the various aspects of your campaigns, agencies and individuals (see below). We’ve asked for information that pertains to 2024, but allow spillover of measurement/results in 2025. Supporting documents (videos, URLs) can be used to augment written answers in each section. Entries are scored for a total of 40 possible points.

Additionally, please ensure to follow the guidelines laid out in the category description.

Judging Criteria – PR Campaign/Industry/Non-profit entries

Goals/Objectives – 250 words max & possible 5 pts

What did you set out to achieve with your campaign? We want to hear about your vision. Please identify your target audiences/publics as well as budget.

Strategy – 400 words max & possible 10 pts

What sort of strategies or tactics did you implement, and why? Did research and analysis influence the strategies chosen, and how?

Execution– 400 words max & possible 10 pts

How did you overcome any barriers? What were some of the tactics used, and why? Please be thorough in explaining your execution.

Results Achieved – 400 words max & possible 10 pts

Did you meet your initial goals? How did your PR efforts tie into underlying organisation objectives? How was evaluation/measurement factored in the various stages? Please include the metrics used, as well as any measurement tools. Were there any lessons learned?

Innovation/Creativity – 400 words max & possible 5 pts

What did you do differently to set yourself apart? Did you try something new, or take any risks?

Judging Criteria – PR/Communications agency entries

Firm Positioning – 250 words max & possible 10 pts

Describe your unique value proposition and agency mission. Submissions will be judged on the distinctiveness of the firm’s positioning—how clear and unique is the agency offerings and value compared to others in the industry?  We’re looking for a firm that distinguishes itself clearly and originally.

Client Growth & Retention – 250 words max & possible 10 pts

Provide a summary of agency revenue, client retention and growth numbers for the past fiscal year.  We are looking for agencies that are growing revenue from existing accounts, as well as expanding their client base.  We’re looking for impressive revenue and account growth trends, high client retention rates and for an agency that excels in building long-term, progressive relationships. Submissions must include annual agency revenue (client fees, excluding advertising markup) and number of clients.

Work Environment – 250 words max & possible 10 pts

Describe your agency’s work culture and any innovative HR practices or employee development and benefit programs that you have. We’re looking for an agency with low employee turnover, that invests in the wellbeing and personal development of their employees. Explain how your culture and work environment leads to greater client success and satisfaction.

Results Achieved – 250 words max & possible 10 pts

Describe your major achievements in the practice of public relations/corporate communications (including innovative PR/communications campaigns). We’re looking for agencies that achieve extraordinary results for clients. Please include specific examples where you generated measurable and quantitative results for clients (preferably not AVEs) or helped them prove the value of PR’s efforts to the organization.

Judging Criteria – PR/Communications individual entries

Professional Leadership and Contribution – 250 words max & possible 10 pts

How has this person demonstrated leadership in the industry and in their organization? We’re looking for PR & Comms pros who share their knowledge and skills with the broader community. List any professional accreditations, presentations, or relevant achievements.

Breakthrough Communications Approaches – 250 words max & possible 10 pts

Describe innovative strategies, creative approaches or tactics that were flawlessly executed in the past year.  We’re looking for someone who experiments with new approaches, measures results, and constantly works to improve their craft. Include measurable results from campaigns and examples of communications where possible.

Demonstration of Integrity – 250 words max & possible 10 pts

How has this person demonstrated a commitment to honesty, authenticity, and transparency, even under difficult situations?  We’re looking for people who improve the reputation of the profession and promote integrity within their organization (or with clients). Include examples of campaigns, crisis management or pro-bono work that demonstrate these qualities.

Results Achieved – 250 words max & possible 10 pts

Describe the extraordinary achievements over the past year. We’re looking for quantitative proof of the ROI or value that PR activities delivered (not AVEs) or how they contributed to achievement of organizational objectives (including revenue, sales, awareness).

Supporting Documents

You will be able to upload up to five additional documents to your submission and five website or video links. We encourage you to include press releases, design concepts, videos/photos and other multimedia, analytics, testimonials and anything else you feel will give us a better sense of you/your agency and your work. If you mention collateral material in your submission, please attach a copy or photo of the collateral as a supporting document. You can also include additional information in your supporting information. Proprietary or internal information can also be attached and will not be shared with the public. 

Judges value well-written entries that are long on facts and short on fluff; that come close to the word-limit for their categories (i.e. that aren’t perceived as being too short); and that are supported by attachments such as a link to a corporate website, press clippings and/or work samples.

Resources on creating award-winning entries